
43 lines
1.6 KiB
Raw Normal View History

return {
opts = {
features = {
max_file = { size = 1024 * 100, lines = 10000 }, -- set global limits for large files for disabling features like treesitter
autopairs = true, -- enable autopairs at start
cmp = true, -- enable completion at start
highlighturl = true, -- highlight URLs at start
notifications = true, -- enable notifications at start
-- Mapping data with "desc" stored directly by vim.keymap.set().
-- Please use this mappings table to set keyboard mapping since this is the
-- lower level configuration and more robust one. (which-key will
-- automatically pick-up stored data by this setting.)
mappings = {
-- first key is the mode
n = {
-- second key is the lefthand side of the map
-- mappings seen under group name "Buffer"
["<leader>bn"] = { "<cmd>tabnew<cr>", desc = "New tab" },
["<leader>bD"] = {
2023-07-26 16:28:08 +03:00
function(bufnr) require("astrocore.buffer").close(bufnr) end
desc = "Pick to close",
-- tables with just a `desc` key will be registered with which-key if it's installed
-- this is useful for naming menus
["<leader>b"] = { desc = "Buffers" },
-- quick save
-- ["<C-s>"] = { ":w!<cr>", desc = "Save File" }, -- change description but the same command
t = {
-- setting a mapping to false will disable it
-- ["<esc>"] = false,